/* Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2022 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "../../SDL_internal.h" #ifdef SDL_JOYSTICK_EMSCRIPTEN #include /* For the definition of NULL */ #include "SDL_error.h" #include "SDL_events.h" #include "SDL_joystick.h" #include "SDL_timer.h" #include "SDL_sysjoystick_c.h" #include "../SDL_joystick_c.h" static SDL_joylist_item * JoystickByIndex(int index); static SDL_joylist_item *SDL_joylist = NULL; static SDL_joylist_item *SDL_joylist_tail = NULL; static int numjoysticks = 0; static int instance_counter = 0; static EM_BOOL Emscripten_JoyStickConnected(int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData) { int i; SDL_joylist_item *item; if (JoystickByIndex(gamepadEvent->index) != NULL) { return 1; } item = (SDL_joylist_item *) SDL_malloc(sizeof (SDL_joylist_item)); if (item == NULL) { return 1; } SDL_zerop(item); item->index = gamepadEvent->index; item->name = SDL_CreateJoystickName(0, 0, NULL, gamepadEvent->id); if ( item->name == NULL ) { SDL_free(item); return 1; } item->mapping = SDL_strdup(gamepadEvent->mapping); if ( item->mapping == NULL ) { SDL_free(item->name); SDL_free(item); return 1; } item->naxes = gamepadEvent->numAxes; item->nbuttons = gamepadEvent->numButtons; item->device_instance = instance_counter++; item->timestamp = gamepadEvent->timestamp; for( i = 0; i < item->naxes; i++) { item->axis[i] = gamepadEvent->axis[i]; } for( i = 0; i < item->nbuttons; i++) { item->analogButton[i] = gamepadEvent->analogButton[i]; item->digitalButton[i] = gamepadEvent->digitalButton[i]; } if (SDL_joylist_tail == NULL) { SDL_joylist = SDL_joylist_tail = item; } else { SDL_joylist_tail->next = item; SDL_joylist_tail = item; } ++numjoysticks; SDL_PrivateJoystickAdded(item->device_instance); #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK SDL_Log("Number of joysticks is %d", numjoysticks); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK SDL_Log("Added joystick with index %d", item->index); #endif return 1; } static EM_BOOL Emscripten_JoyStickDisconnected(int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData) { SDL_joylist_item *item = SDL_joylist; SDL_joylist_item *prev = NULL; while (item != NULL) { if (item->index == gamepadEvent->index) { break; } prev = item; item = item->next; } if (item == NULL) { return 1; } if (item->joystick) { item->joystick->hwdata = NULL; } if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = item->next; } else { SDL_assert(SDL_joylist == item); SDL_joylist = item->next; } if (item == SDL_joylist_tail) { SDL_joylist_tail = prev; } /* Need to decrement the joystick count before we post the event */ --numjoysticks; SDL_PrivateJoystickRemoved(item->device_instance); #ifdef DEBUG_JOYSTICK SDL_Log("Removed joystick with id %d", item->device_instance); #endif SDL_free(item->name); SDL_free(item->mapping); SDL_free(item); return 1; } /* Function to perform any system-specific joystick related cleanup */ static void EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickQuit(void) { SDL_joylist_item *item = NULL; SDL_joylist_item *next = NULL; for (item = SDL_joylist; item; item = next) { next = item->next; SDL_free(item->mapping); SDL_free(item->name); SDL_free(item); } SDL_joylist = SDL_joylist_tail = NULL; numjoysticks = 0; instance_counter = 0; emscripten_set_gamepadconnected_callback(NULL, 0, NULL); emscripten_set_gamepaddisconnected_callback(NULL, 0, NULL); } /* Function to scan the system for joysticks. * It should return 0, or -1 on an unrecoverable fatal error. */ static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickInit(void) { int retval, i, numjs; EmscriptenGamepadEvent gamepadState; numjoysticks = 0; retval = emscripten_sample_gamepad_data(); /* Check if gamepad is supported by browser */ if (retval == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED) { return SDL_SetError("Gamepads not supported"); } numjs = emscripten_get_num_gamepads(); /* handle already connected gamepads */ if (numjs > 0) { for(i = 0; i < numjs; i++) { retval = emscripten_get_gamepad_status(i, &gamepadState); if (retval == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { Emscripten_JoyStickConnected(EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_GAMEPADCONNECTED, &gamepadState, NULL); } } } retval = emscripten_set_gamepadconnected_callback(NULL, 0, Emscripten_JoyStickConnected); if(retval != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickQuit(); return SDL_SetError("Could not set gamepad connect callback"); } retval = emscripten_set_gamepaddisconnected_callback(NULL, 0, Emscripten_JoyStickDisconnected); if(retval != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickQuit(); return SDL_SetError("Could not set gamepad disconnect callback"); } return 0; } /* Returns item matching given SDL device index. */ static SDL_joylist_item * JoystickByDeviceIndex(int device_index) { SDL_joylist_item *item = SDL_joylist; while (0 < device_index) { --device_index; item = item->next; } return item; } /* Returns item matching given HTML gamepad index. */ static SDL_joylist_item * JoystickByIndex(int index) { SDL_joylist_item *item = SDL_joylist; if (index < 0) { return NULL; } while (item != NULL) { if (item->index == index) { break; } item = item->next; } return item; } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetCount(void) { return numjoysticks; } static void EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickDetect(void) { } static const char * EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceName(int device_index) { return JoystickByDeviceIndex(device_index)->name; } static const char * EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDevicePath(int device_index) { return NULL; } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDevicePlayerIndex(int device_index) { return -1; } static void EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSetDevicePlayerIndex(int device_index, int player_index) { } static SDL_JoystickID EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceInstanceID(int device_index) { return JoystickByDeviceIndex(device_index)->device_instance; } /* Function to open a joystick for use. The joystick to open is specified by the device index. This should fill the nbuttons and naxes fields of the joystick structure. It returns 0, or -1 if there is an error. */ static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickOpen(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int device_index) { SDL_joylist_item *item = JoystickByDeviceIndex(device_index); if (item == NULL ) { return SDL_SetError("No such device"); } if (item->joystick != NULL) { return SDL_SetError("Joystick already opened"); } joystick->instance_id = item->device_instance; joystick->hwdata = (struct joystick_hwdata *) item; item->joystick = joystick; /* HTML5 Gamepad API doesn't say anything about these */ joystick->nhats = 0; joystick->nballs = 0; joystick->nbuttons = item->nbuttons; joystick->naxes = item->naxes; return (0); } /* Function to update the state of a joystick - called as a device poll. * This function shouldn't update the joystick structure directly, * but instead should call SDL_PrivateJoystick*() to deliver events * and update joystick device state. */ static void EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickUpdate(SDL_Joystick *joystick) { EmscriptenGamepadEvent gamepadState; SDL_joylist_item *item = (SDL_joylist_item *) joystick->hwdata; int i, result, buttonState; emscripten_sample_gamepad_data(); if (item) { result = emscripten_get_gamepad_status(item->index, &gamepadState); if( result == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { if(gamepadState.timestamp == 0 || gamepadState.timestamp != item->timestamp) { for(i = 0; i < item->nbuttons; i++) { if(item->digitalButton[i] != gamepadState.digitalButton[i]) { buttonState = gamepadState.digitalButton[i]? SDL_PRESSED: SDL_RELEASED; SDL_PrivateJoystickButton(item->joystick, i, buttonState); } /* store values to compare them in the next update */ item->analogButton[i] = gamepadState.analogButton[i]; item->digitalButton[i] = gamepadState.digitalButton[i]; } for(i = 0; i < item->naxes; i++) { if(item->axis[i] != gamepadState.axis[i]) { /* do we need to do conversion? */ SDL_PrivateJoystickAxis(item->joystick, i, (Sint16) (32767.*gamepadState.axis[i])); } /* store to compare in next update */ item->axis[i] = gamepadState.axis[i]; } item->timestamp = gamepadState.timestamp; } } } } /* Function to close a joystick after use */ static void EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickClose(SDL_Joystick *joystick) { SDL_joylist_item *item = (SDL_joylist_item *) joystick->hwdata; if (item) { item->joystick = NULL; } } static SDL_JoystickGUID EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceGUID(int device_index) { /* the GUID is just the name for now */ const char *name = EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceName(device_index); return SDL_CreateJoystickGUIDForName(name); } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickRumble(SDL_Joystick *joystick, Uint16 low_frequency_rumble, Uint16 high_frequency_rumble) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickRumbleTriggers(SDL_Joystick *joystick, Uint16 left_rumble, Uint16 right_rumble) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } static SDL_bool EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetGamepadMapping(int device_index, SDL_GamepadMapping *out) { return SDL_FALSE; } static Uint32 EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetCapabilities(SDL_Joystick *joystick) { return 0; } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSetLED(SDL_Joystick *joystick, Uint8 red, Uint8 green, Uint8 blue) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSendEffect(SDL_Joystick *joystick, const void *data, int size) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } static int EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSetSensorsEnabled(SDL_Joystick *joystick, SDL_bool enabled) { return SDL_Unsupported(); } SDL_JoystickDriver SDL_EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickDriver = { EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickInit, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetCount, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickDetect, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceName, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDevicePath, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDevicePlayerIndex, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSetDevicePlayerIndex, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceGUID, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetDeviceInstanceID, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickOpen, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickRumble, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickRumbleTriggers, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetCapabilities, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSetLED, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSendEffect, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickSetSensorsEnabled, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickUpdate, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickClose, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickQuit, EMSCRIPTEN_JoystickGetGamepadMapping }; #endif /* SDL_JOYSTICK_EMSCRIPTEN */ /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */