 * The MIT License (MIT)
 * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Baldur Karlsson
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#pragma once

// Documentation for the API is available at https://renderdoc.org/docs/in_application_api.html

#include <stdint.h>

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_MSC_VER)
#define RENDERDOC_CC __cdecl
#elif defined(__linux__)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
#error "Unknown platform"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// Constants not used directly in below API

// This is a GUID/magic value used for when applications pass a path where shader debug
// information can be found to match up with a stripped shader.
// the define can be used like so: const GUID RENDERDOC_ShaderDebugMagicValue =
// RENDERDOC_ShaderDebugMagicValue_value
#define RENDERDOC_ShaderDebugMagicValue_struct                                \
  {                                                                           \
    0xeab25520, 0x6670, 0x4865, 0x84, 0x29, 0x6c, 0x8, 0x51, 0x54, 0x00, 0xff \

// as an alternative when you want a byte array (assuming x86 endianness):
#define RENDERDOC_ShaderDebugMagicValue_bytearray                                                 \
  {                                                                                               \
    0x20, 0x55, 0xb2, 0xea, 0x70, 0x66, 0x65, 0x48, 0x84, 0x29, 0x6c, 0x8, 0x51, 0x54, 0x00, 0xff \

// truncated version when only a uint64_t is available (e.g. Vulkan tags):
#define RENDERDOC_ShaderDebugMagicValue_truncated 0x48656670eab25520ULL

// RenderDoc capture options

typedef enum RENDERDOC_CaptureOption {
  // Allow the application to enable vsync
  // Default - enabled
  // 1 - The application can enable or disable vsync at will
  // 0 - vsync is force disabled
  eRENDERDOC_Option_AllowVSync = 0,

  // Allow the application to enable fullscreen
  // Default - enabled
  // 1 - The application can enable or disable fullscreen at will
  // 0 - fullscreen is force disabled
  eRENDERDOC_Option_AllowFullscreen = 1,

  // Record API debugging events and messages
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - Enable built-in API debugging features and records the results into
  //     the capture, which is matched up with events on replay
  // 0 - no API debugging is forcibly enabled
  eRENDERDOC_Option_APIValidation = 2,
  eRENDERDOC_Option_DebugDeviceMode = 2,    // deprecated name of this enum

  // Capture CPU callstacks for API events
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - Enables capturing of callstacks
  // 0 - no callstacks are captured
  eRENDERDOC_Option_CaptureCallstacks = 3,

  // When capturing CPU callstacks, only capture them from actions.
  // This option does nothing without the above option being enabled
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - Only captures callstacks for actions.
  //     Ignored if CaptureCallstacks is disabled
  // 0 - Callstacks, if enabled, are captured for every event.
  eRENDERDOC_Option_CaptureCallstacksOnlyDraws = 4,
  eRENDERDOC_Option_CaptureCallstacksOnlyActions = 4,

  // Specify a delay in seconds to wait for a debugger to attach, after
  // creating or injecting into a process, before continuing to allow it to run.
  // 0 indicates no delay, and the process will run immediately after injection
  // Default - 0 seconds
  eRENDERDOC_Option_DelayForDebugger = 5,

  // Verify buffer access. This includes checking the memory returned by a Map() call to
  // detect any out-of-bounds modification, as well as initialising buffers with undefined contents
  // to a marker value to catch use of uninitialised memory.
  // NOTE: This option is only valid for OpenGL and D3D11. Explicit APIs such as D3D12 and Vulkan do
  // not do the same kind of interception & checking and undefined contents are really undefined.
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - Verify buffer access
  // 0 - No verification is performed, and overwriting bounds may cause crashes or corruption in
  //     RenderDoc.
  eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyBufferAccess = 6,

  // The old name for eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyBufferAccess was eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyMapWrites.
  // This option now controls the filling of uninitialised buffers with 0xdddddddd which was
  // previously always enabled
  eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyMapWrites = eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyBufferAccess,

  // Hooks any system API calls that create child processes, and injects
  // RenderDoc into them recursively with the same options.
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - Hooks into spawned child processes
  // 0 - Child processes are not hooked by RenderDoc
  eRENDERDOC_Option_HookIntoChildren = 7,

  // By default RenderDoc only includes resources in the final capture necessary
  // for that frame, this allows you to override that behaviour.
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - all live resources at the time of capture are included in the capture
  //     and available for inspection
  // 0 - only the resources referenced by the captured frame are included
  eRENDERDOC_Option_RefAllResources = 8,

  // **NOTE**: As of RenderDoc v1.1 this option has been deprecated. Setting or
  // getting it will be ignored, to allow compatibility with older versions.
  // In v1.1 the option acts as if it's always enabled.
  // By default RenderDoc skips saving initial states for resources where the
  // previous contents don't appear to be used, assuming that writes before
  // reads indicate previous contents aren't used.
  // Default - disabled
  // 1 - initial contents at the start of each captured frame are saved, even if
  //     they are later overwritten or cleared before being used.
  // 0 - unless a read is detected, initial contents will not be saved and will
  //     appear as black or empty data.
  eRENDERDOC_Option_SaveAllInitials = 9,

  // In APIs that allow for the recording of command lists to be replayed later,
  // RenderDoc may choose to not capture command lists before a frame capture is
  // triggered, to reduce overheads. This means any command lists recorded once
  // and replayed many times will not be available and may cause a failure to
  // capture.
  // NOTE: This is only true for APIs where multithreading is difficult or
  // discouraged. Newer APIs like Vulkan and D3D12 will ignore this option
  // and always capture all command lists since the API is heavily oriented
  // around it and the overheads have been reduced by API design.
  // 1 - All command lists are captured from the start of the application
  // 0 - Command lists are only captured if their recording begins during
  //     the period when a frame capture is in progress.
  eRENDERDOC_Option_CaptureAllCmdLists = 10,

  // Mute API debugging output when the API validation mode option is enabled
  // Default - enabled
  // 1 - Mute any API debug messages from being displayed or passed through
  // 0 - API debugging is displayed as normal
  eRENDERDOC_Option_DebugOutputMute = 11,

  // Option to allow vendor extensions to be used even when they may be
  // incompatible with RenderDoc and cause corrupted replays or crashes.
  // Default - inactive
  // No values are documented, this option should only be used when absolutely
  // necessary as directed by a RenderDoc developer.
  eRENDERDOC_Option_AllowUnsupportedVendorExtensions = 12,

} RENDERDOC_CaptureOption;

// Sets an option that controls how RenderDoc behaves on capture.
// Returns 1 if the option and value are valid
// Returns 0 if either is invalid and the option is unchanged
typedef int(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureOptionU32)(RENDERDOC_CaptureOption opt, uint32_t val);
typedef int(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureOptionF32)(RENDERDOC_CaptureOption opt, float val);

// Gets the current value of an option as a uint32_t
// If the option is invalid, 0xffffffff is returned
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureOptionU32)(RENDERDOC_CaptureOption opt);

// Gets the current value of an option as a float
// If the option is invalid, -FLT_MAX is returned
typedef float(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureOptionF32)(RENDERDOC_CaptureOption opt);

typedef enum RENDERDOC_InputButton {
  // '0' - '9' matches ASCII values
  eRENDERDOC_Key_0 = 0x30,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_1 = 0x31,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_2 = 0x32,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_3 = 0x33,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_4 = 0x34,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_5 = 0x35,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_6 = 0x36,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_7 = 0x37,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_8 = 0x38,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_9 = 0x39,

  // 'A' - 'Z' matches ASCII values
  eRENDERDOC_Key_A = 0x41,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_B = 0x42,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_C = 0x43,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_D = 0x44,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_E = 0x45,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_F = 0x46,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_G = 0x47,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_H = 0x48,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_I = 0x49,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_J = 0x4A,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_K = 0x4B,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_L = 0x4C,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_M = 0x4D,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_N = 0x4E,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_O = 0x4F,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_P = 0x50,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_Q = 0x51,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_R = 0x52,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_S = 0x53,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_T = 0x54,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_U = 0x55,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_V = 0x56,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_W = 0x57,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_X = 0x58,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_Y = 0x59,
  eRENDERDOC_Key_Z = 0x5A,

  // leave the rest of the ASCII range free
  // in case we want to use it later
  eRENDERDOC_Key_NonPrintable = 0x100,





} RENDERDOC_InputButton;

// Sets which key or keys can be used to toggle focus between multiple windows
// If keys is NULL or num is 0, toggle keys will be disabled
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetFocusToggleKeys)(RENDERDOC_InputButton *keys, int num);

// Sets which key or keys can be used to capture the next frame
// If keys is NULL or num is 0, captures keys will be disabled
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureKeys)(RENDERDOC_InputButton *keys, int num);

typedef enum RENDERDOC_OverlayBits {
  // This single bit controls whether the overlay is enabled or disabled globally
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_Enabled = 0x1,

  // Show the average framerate over several seconds as well as min/max
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_FrameRate = 0x2,

  // Show the current frame number
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_FrameNumber = 0x4,

  // Show a list of recent captures, and how many captures have been made
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_CaptureList = 0x8,

  // Default values for the overlay mask
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_Default = (eRENDERDOC_Overlay_Enabled | eRENDERDOC_Overlay_FrameRate |
                                eRENDERDOC_Overlay_FrameNumber | eRENDERDOC_Overlay_CaptureList),

  // Enable all bits
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_All = ~0U,

  // Disable all bits
  eRENDERDOC_Overlay_None = 0,
} RENDERDOC_OverlayBits;

// returns the overlay bits that have been set
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetOverlayBits)();
// sets the overlay bits with an and & or mask
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_MaskOverlayBits)(uint32_t And, uint32_t Or);

// this function will attempt to remove RenderDoc's hooks in the application.
// Note: that this can only work correctly if done immediately after
// the module is loaded, before any API work happens. RenderDoc will remove its
// injected hooks and shut down. Behaviour is undefined if this is called
// after any API functions have been called, and there is still no guarantee of
// success.
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_RemoveHooks)();

// DEPRECATED: compatibility for code compiled against pre-1.4.1 headers.
typedef pRENDERDOC_RemoveHooks pRENDERDOC_Shutdown;

// This function will unload RenderDoc's crash handler.
// If you use your own crash handler and don't want RenderDoc's handler to
// intercede, you can call this function to unload it and any unhandled
// exceptions will pass to the next handler.
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_UnloadCrashHandler)();

// Sets the capture file path template
// pathtemplate is a UTF-8 string that gives a template for how captures will be named
// and where they will be saved.
// Any extension is stripped off the path, and captures are saved in the directory
// specified, and named with the filename and the frame number appended. If the
// directory does not exist it will be created, including any parent directories.
// If pathtemplate is NULL, the template will remain unchanged
// Example:
// SetCaptureFilePathTemplate("my_captures/example");
// Capture #1 -> my_captures/example_frame123.rdc
// Capture #2 -> my_captures/example_frame456.rdc
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureFilePathTemplate)(const char *pathtemplate);

// returns the current capture path template, see SetCaptureFileTemplate above, as a UTF-8 string
typedef const char *(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureFilePathTemplate)();

// DEPRECATED: compatibility for code compiled against pre-1.1.2 headers.
typedef pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureFilePathTemplate pRENDERDOC_SetLogFilePathTemplate;
typedef pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureFilePathTemplate pRENDERDOC_GetLogFilePathTemplate;

// returns the number of captures that have been made
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetNumCaptures)();

// This function returns the details of a capture, by index. New captures are added
// to the end of the list.
// filename will be filled with the absolute path to the capture file, as a UTF-8 string
// pathlength will be written with the length in bytes of the filename string
// timestamp will be written with the time of the capture, in seconds since the Unix epoch
// Any of the parameters can be NULL and they'll be skipped.
// The function will return 1 if the capture index is valid, or 0 if the index is invalid
// If the index is invalid, the values will be unchanged
// Note: when captures are deleted in the UI they will remain in this list, so the
// capture path may not exist anymore.
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetCapture)(uint32_t idx, char *filename,
                                                      uint32_t *pathlength, uint64_t *timestamp);

// Sets the comments associated with a capture file. These comments are displayed in the
// UI program when opening.
// filePath should be a path to the capture file to add comments to. If set to NULL or ""
// the most recent capture file created made will be used instead.
// comments should be a NULL-terminated UTF-8 string to add as comments.
// Any existing comments will be overwritten.
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureFileComments)(const char *filePath,
                                                              const char *comments);

// returns 1 if the RenderDoc UI is connected to this application, 0 otherwise
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_IsTargetControlConnected)();

// DEPRECATED: compatibility for code compiled against pre-1.1.1 headers.
// This was renamed to IsTargetControlConnected in API 1.1.1, the old typedef is kept here for
// backwards compatibility with old code, it is castable either way since it's ABI compatible
// as the same function pointer type.
typedef pRENDERDOC_IsTargetControlConnected pRENDERDOC_IsRemoteAccessConnected;

// This function will launch the Replay UI associated with the RenderDoc library injected
// into the running application.
// if connectTargetControl is 1, the Replay UI will be launched with a command line parameter
// to connect to this application
// cmdline is the rest of the command line, as a UTF-8 string. E.g. a captures to open
// if cmdline is NULL, the command line will be empty.
// returns the PID of the replay UI if successful, 0 if not successful.
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_LaunchReplayUI)(uint32_t connectTargetControl,
                                                          const char *cmdline);

// RenderDoc can return a higher version than requested if it's backwards compatible,
// this function returns the actual version returned. If a parameter is NULL, it will be
// ignored and the others will be filled out.
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetAPIVersion)(int *major, int *minor, int *patch);

// Requests that the replay UI show itself (if hidden or not the current top window). This can be
// used in conjunction with IsTargetControlConnected and LaunchReplayUI to intelligently handle
// showing the UI after making a capture.
// This will return 1 if the request was successfully passed on, though it's not guaranteed that
// the UI will be on top in all cases depending on OS rules. It will return 0 if there is no current
// target control connection to make such a request, or if there was another error
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_ShowReplayUI)();

// Capturing functions

// A device pointer is a pointer to the API's root handle.
// This would be an ID3D11Device, HGLRC/GLXContext, ID3D12Device, etc
typedef void *RENDERDOC_DevicePointer;

// A window handle is the OS's native window handle
// This would be an HWND, GLXDrawable, etc
typedef void *RENDERDOC_WindowHandle;

// A helper macro for Vulkan, where the device handle cannot be used directly.
// Passing the VkInstance to this macro will return the RENDERDOC_DevicePointer to use.
// Specifically, the value needed is the dispatch table pointer, which sits as the first
// pointer-sized object in the memory pointed to by the VkInstance. Thus we cast to a void** and
// indirect once.
#define RENDERDOC_DEVICEPOINTER_FROM_VKINSTANCE(inst) (*((void **)(inst)))

// This sets the RenderDoc in-app overlay in the API/window pair as 'active' and it will
// respond to keypresses. Neither parameter can be NULL
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetActiveWindow)(RENDERDOC_DevicePointer device,
                                                       RENDERDOC_WindowHandle wndHandle);

// capture the next frame on whichever window and API is currently considered active
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_TriggerCapture)();

// capture the next N frames on whichever window and API is currently considered active
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_TriggerMultiFrameCapture)(uint32_t numFrames);

// When choosing either a device pointer or a window handle to capture, you can pass NULL.
// Passing NULL specifies a 'wildcard' match against anything. This allows you to specify
// any API rendering to a specific window, or a specific API instance rendering to any window,
// or in the simplest case of one window and one API, you can just pass NULL for both.
// In either case, if there are two or more possible matching (device,window) pairs it
// is undefined which one will be captured.
// Note: for headless rendering you can pass NULL for the window handle and either specify
// a device pointer or leave it NULL as above.

// Immediately starts capturing API calls on the specified device pointer and window handle.
// If there is no matching thing to capture (e.g. no supported API has been initialised),
// this will do nothing.
// The results are undefined (including crashes) if two captures are started overlapping,
// even on separate devices and/oror windows.
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_StartFrameCapture)(RENDERDOC_DevicePointer device,
                                                         RENDERDOC_WindowHandle wndHandle);

// Returns whether or not a frame capture is currently ongoing anywhere.
// This will return 1 if a capture is ongoing, and 0 if there is no capture running
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_IsFrameCapturing)();

// Ends capturing immediately.
// This will return 1 if the capture succeeded, and 0 if there was an error capturing.
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_EndFrameCapture)(RENDERDOC_DevicePointer device,
                                                           RENDERDOC_WindowHandle wndHandle);

// Ends capturing immediately and discard any data stored without saving to disk.
// This will return 1 if the capture was discarded, and 0 if there was an error or no capture
// was in progress
typedef uint32_t(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_DiscardFrameCapture)(RENDERDOC_DevicePointer device,
                                                               RENDERDOC_WindowHandle wndHandle);

// Only valid to be called between a call to StartFrameCapture and EndFrameCapture. Gives a custom
// title to the capture produced which will be displayed in the UI.
// If multiple captures are ongoing, this title will be applied to the first capture to end after
// this call. The second capture to end will have no title, unless this function is called again.
// Calling this function has no effect if no capture is currently running, and if it is called
// multiple times only the last title will be used.
typedef void(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureTitle)(const char *title);

// RenderDoc API versions

// RenderDoc uses semantic versioning (http://semver.org/).
// MAJOR version is incremented when incompatible API changes happen.
// MINOR version is incremented when functionality is added in a backwards-compatible manner.
// PATCH version is incremented when backwards-compatible bug fixes happen.
// Note that this means the API returned can be higher than the one you might have requested.
// e.g. if you are running against a newer RenderDoc that supports 1.0.1, it will be returned
// instead of 1.0.0. You can check this with the GetAPIVersion entry point
typedef enum RENDERDOC_Version {
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_0_0 = 10000,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0 = 1 00 00
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_0_1 = 10001,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_0_1 = 1 00 01
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_0_2 = 10002,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_0_2 = 1 00 02
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_1_0 = 10100,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_1_0 = 1 01 00
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_1_1 = 10101,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_1_1 = 1 01 01
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_1_2 = 10102,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_1_2 = 1 01 02
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_2_0 = 10200,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_2_0 = 1 02 00
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_3_0 = 10300,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_3_0 = 1 03 00
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_4_0 = 10400,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_4_0 = 1 04 00
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_4_1 = 10401,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_4_1 = 1 04 01
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_4_2 = 10402,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_4_2 = 1 04 02
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_5_0 = 10500,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_5_0 = 1 05 00
  eRENDERDOC_API_Version_1_6_0 = 10600,    // RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 = 1 06 00
} RENDERDOC_Version;

// API version changelog:
// 1.0.0 - initial release
// 1.0.1 - Bugfix: IsFrameCapturing() was returning false for captures that were triggered
//         by keypress or TriggerCapture, instead of Start/EndFrameCapture.
// 1.0.2 - Refactor: Renamed eRENDERDOC_Option_DebugDeviceMode to eRENDERDOC_Option_APIValidation
// 1.1.0 - Add feature: TriggerMultiFrameCapture(). Backwards compatible with 1.0.x since the new
//         function pointer is added to the end of the struct, the original layout is identical
// 1.1.1 - Refactor: Renamed remote access to target control (to better disambiguate from remote
//         replay/remote server concept in replay UI)
// 1.1.2 - Refactor: Renamed "log file" in function names to just capture, to clarify that these
//         are captures and not debug logging files. This is the first API version in the v1.0
//         branch.
// 1.2.0 - Added feature: SetCaptureFileComments() to add comments to a capture file that will be
//         displayed in the UI program on load.
// 1.3.0 - Added feature: New capture option eRENDERDOC_Option_AllowUnsupportedVendorExtensions
//         which allows users to opt-in to allowing unsupported vendor extensions to function.
//         Should be used at the user's own risk.
//         Refactor: Renamed eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyMapWrites to
//         eRENDERDOC_Option_VerifyBufferAccess, which now also controls initialisation to
//         0xdddddddd of uninitialised buffer contents.
// 1.4.0 - Added feature: DiscardFrameCapture() to discard a frame capture in progress and stop
//         capturing without saving anything to disk.
// 1.4.1 - Refactor: Renamed Shutdown to RemoveHooks to better clarify what is happening
// 1.4.2 - Refactor: Renamed 'draws' to 'actions' in callstack capture option.
// 1.5.0 - Added feature: ShowReplayUI() to request that the replay UI show itself if connected
// 1.6.0 - Added feature: SetCaptureTitle() which can be used to set a title for a
//         capture made with StartFrameCapture() or EndFrameCapture()

typedef struct RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0
  pRENDERDOC_GetAPIVersion GetAPIVersion;

  pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureOptionU32 SetCaptureOptionU32;
  pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureOptionF32 SetCaptureOptionF32;

  pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureOptionU32 GetCaptureOptionU32;
  pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureOptionF32 GetCaptureOptionF32;

  pRENDERDOC_SetFocusToggleKeys SetFocusToggleKeys;
  pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureKeys SetCaptureKeys;

  pRENDERDOC_GetOverlayBits GetOverlayBits;
  pRENDERDOC_MaskOverlayBits MaskOverlayBits;

  // Shutdown was renamed to RemoveHooks in 1.4.1.
  // These unions allow old code to continue compiling without changes
    pRENDERDOC_Shutdown Shutdown;
    pRENDERDOC_RemoveHooks RemoveHooks;
  pRENDERDOC_UnloadCrashHandler UnloadCrashHandler;

  // Get/SetLogFilePathTemplate was renamed to Get/SetCaptureFilePathTemplate in 1.1.2.
  // These unions allow old code to continue compiling without changes
    // deprecated name
    pRENDERDOC_SetLogFilePathTemplate SetLogFilePathTemplate;
    // current name
    pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureFilePathTemplate SetCaptureFilePathTemplate;
    // deprecated name
    pRENDERDOC_GetLogFilePathTemplate GetLogFilePathTemplate;
    // current name
    pRENDERDOC_GetCaptureFilePathTemplate GetCaptureFilePathTemplate;

  pRENDERDOC_GetNumCaptures GetNumCaptures;
  pRENDERDOC_GetCapture GetCapture;

  pRENDERDOC_TriggerCapture TriggerCapture;

  // IsRemoteAccessConnected was renamed to IsTargetControlConnected in 1.1.1.
  // This union allows old code to continue compiling without changes
    // deprecated name
    pRENDERDOC_IsRemoteAccessConnected IsRemoteAccessConnected;
    // current name
    pRENDERDOC_IsTargetControlConnected IsTargetControlConnected;
  pRENDERDOC_LaunchReplayUI LaunchReplayUI;

  pRENDERDOC_SetActiveWindow SetActiveWindow;

  pRENDERDOC_StartFrameCapture StartFrameCapture;
  pRENDERDOC_IsFrameCapturing IsFrameCapturing;
  pRENDERDOC_EndFrameCapture EndFrameCapture;

  // new function in 1.1.0
  pRENDERDOC_TriggerMultiFrameCapture TriggerMultiFrameCapture;

  // new function in 1.2.0
  pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureFileComments SetCaptureFileComments;

  // new function in 1.4.0
  pRENDERDOC_DiscardFrameCapture DiscardFrameCapture;

  // new function in 1.5.0
  pRENDERDOC_ShowReplayUI ShowReplayUI;

  // new function in 1.6.0
  pRENDERDOC_SetCaptureTitle SetCaptureTitle;

typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_0_0;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_0_1;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_0_2;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_1_0;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_1_1;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_1_2;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_2_0;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_3_0;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_4_0;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_4_1;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_4_2;
typedef RENDERDOC_API_1_6_0 RENDERDOC_API_1_5_0;

// RenderDoc API entry point
// This entry point can be obtained via GetProcAddress/dlsym if RenderDoc is available.
// The name is the same as the typedef - "RENDERDOC_GetAPI"
// This function is not thread safe, and should not be called on multiple threads at once.
// Ideally, call this once as early as possible in your application's startup, before doing
// any API work, since some configuration functionality etc has to be done also before
// initialising any APIs.
// Parameters:
//   version is a single value from the RENDERDOC_Version above.
//   outAPIPointers will be filled out with a pointer to the corresponding struct of function
//   pointers.
// Returns:
//   1 - if the outAPIPointers has been filled with a pointer to the API struct requested
//   0 - if the requested version is not supported or the arguments are invalid.
typedef int(RENDERDOC_CC *pRENDERDOC_GetAPI)(RENDERDOC_Version version, void **outAPIPointers);

#ifdef __cplusplus
}    // extern "C"